Status Page

Creation date: 2/7/2023 1:17 PM    Updated: 9/1/2023 4:17 PM


Current Versions

Desktop: 7.5.1

iOS: 7.4.9

Android: 7.5.0. 

If you're using an earlier version, see: How to Download Lantern. If you're unsure which version you're running, see: How to Identify Lantern Version.


Unlimited Data

Due to extraordinary circumstances in Iran and Russia, Lantern is currently providing increased or unlimited daily data for all users in these locations.

Reseller Program
Spread Lantern and earn money by becoming a Lantern Reseller. Read more about Lantern Reseller Program, or signup here.

Known Issues

Audio and Bluetooth connections on mobile devices (fixed in v7.3)
Bluetooth connections are wrongly initiated when Lantern is started on some devices. Features that use Bluetooth are still in development, and updates will be soon released to disable this Bluetooth connection.

Accessibility improvements to user interface (fixed in v7.3)
Improvements are being made to screen reader navigation in the settings menu.

General connection instability
In response to the growing sophistication of censorship tools, we're continually developing and deploying new methods and protocols to ensure unrestricted access to the open internet. See "Why is my connection unstable?" for more information about how censorship works, and what we do to keep Lantern working well.
Instructions and articles relating to updates, installation, or connectivity